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Your Child has ADHD - Part I

Many – if not all of us – have experience with ADHD.  

It can leave us intimidated, frustrated, alienated, judged, drugged, demoralized, exhausted, confused… 

It takes an incredible amount of time, effort and patience to raise any child, especially those that display ADHD behavioral symptoms. 

Historically and currently, all official care guidelines recommend two options: 1) counseling and support or, 2) counseling and support in conjunction with drug therapy.  As modern life really is stressful and hectic, it may seem easier to use drugs as a first line of therapy.  In fact, as more drugs come onto the market, more are being consumed (eg. in 1979, 32% of ADHD diagnosed kids used drugs and in 1996 drug usage increased to 78%).  Even though it is widely accepted that there is no cure, billions of dollars are spent every year!  It should be noted that in addition to suicide, failure to thrive, difficulty sleeping, possible heart issues and addiction, the drug side effects are very similar to the symptoms for which they are prescribed. 

It is true that we always strive for and choose what is best for our children and we wish them minimal suffering with lifelong success and fulfillment. 

So, what should we do when our child has a Ferrari brain with bicycle brakes and displays the hallmark behaviors of ADD/ADHD?  And what is the best course of action when our child’s behavior results in suffering and reduced quality of social, academic or occupational functioning?  

There are natural and healthy courses of action that will help minimize ADHD symptoms in you and your children 1) on a micro level inside the body and 2) on a macro level behaviourally: 

1) Movement, exercise and chiropractic adjustments increase neurotransmitters in the brain that lead to calming of inattentiveness and inner restlessness.  Many nutritional supplements and dietary interventions are also available that may help stabilize the inner hormonal environment and increase specific neurotransmitter levels. 

2) Behaviour improves as the cortex of the young brain develops over time and recent functional MRI studies have shown increased activity in the higher brain functioning cortex with chiropractic adjustments.   So, patiently supporting thoughtful execution of actions, counseling support and chiropractic adjustments will help foster sustainable higher level brain functioning for better decision-making skills and ability. 

If you or your loved one is experiencing inattentiveness, impulsiveness or inner restlessness, come for a complimentary consult with Dr. Nolan to determine how we can help you – look no further, get started today. 

Stay Tuned for Part II  – in September’s article 


Dr. Nolan 

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