Stay motivated to be hydrated with these tips.
It is remarkable how much our health can be improved by drinking enough water. From brain function to body composition, the benefits of staying hydrated should not be overlooked.
It is common knowledge that water accounts for most the body’s mass, roughly sixty percent. What is less commonly known is that a deviation from that composition by as little as a couple of percentages can be very unhealthy.
It is hard to know how much water to drink. Despite the adage that eight cups of water per day will do the trick, the truth is that water requirements are unique to each person. When trying to determine how much water is needed to stay hydrated, pay attention to your body’s elimination processes. You should be drinking enough to need to go to the bathroom every two to four hours, and urine should be light or clear in colour.
A few reasons why staying hydrated is important:
Improved Circulation: Approximately ninety percent of your blood is water. By hydrating properly, the blood’s volume is increased, allowing it to flow easier, and reducing blood pressure.
Metabolic Processes: Almost every process the body undergoes to function properly requires water. From enzymatic interactions on the sub-cellular level to joint lubrication and digestion, our bodies rely on water as a main substrate. Many vitamins and nutrients are water soluble, requiring adequate hydration to effectively absorb into the body. Water keeps our organs functioning, aiding in digestion, preventing constipation, as well as cushioning our joints and keeping them healthy.
Weight Management: The body doesn’t distinguish between thirst and hunger as well as we would like. It sends the same signal to the brain when either need arises. Unfortunately, most of us don’t consider drinking water when we feel that familiar pang, we eat. While a lot of the water that our body uses is ingested from food such as fresh fruits and vegetables, those aren’t the options that are reliably chosen when ‘hungry’. If you’re looking to improve your body composition, drink water when you feel hungry, wait twenty minutes, then decide whether you need to eat. If you are truly hungry, the signal will persist.
Athletic Performance: While exercising, the body temperature regulates by sweating. This leaves us in a dehydrated state. Without adequately rehydrating, athletic performance suffers. Dehydration can cause loss of stamina, strength, and energy. Ensure that you are hydrating before, during, and after exercise.
Mood and Cognition: Studies have shown that those who hydrate are reportedly more content, calm, and less anxious than their dehydrated counterparts. It is also suggested that those who are hydrated, are better able to focus on tasks and are less prone to headaches and migraines.
Thirst isn’t the first indication of your body needing more water, it is a symptom of relatively severe dehydration. Don’t wait until you have a dry mouth or sticky throat to reach for a water bottle. Keep water readily available throughout the day. Do yourself a favour, stay hydrated.
Works Referenced:
Hatfield, H. (n.d.). The Quest for Hydration. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/quest-for-hydration#1
Jade, K. (2017, October 11). Why is Drinking Water Important? 6 Reasons to Stay Hydrated. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from https://universityhealthnews.com/daily/nutrition/why-is-drinking-water-important-6-reasons-to-stay-hydrated/
Publishing, H. H. (2015, June). The importance of staying hydrated. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-importance-of-staying-hydrated
Sarich, C. (2014, September 17). How This Common Mistake is Making Us Sick and Fat. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from http://naturalsociety.com/dehydration-making-sick-fat/
Weinblatt, V. (2017, July 18). The Importance of Hydration. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from https://www.livestrong.com/article/438279-the-importance-of-hydration/
6 benefits of staying hydrated. (2017, August 08). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from https://www.onemedical.com/blog/live-well/6-benefits-of-staying-hydrated/