Our New Years Goals
We hope that 2018 is off to an exceptional start for you! The beginning of a new calendar provides a perfect time to reflect on the year before, take stock of what has happened, and make decisions about how to move forward. Regardless of whether or not you believe in New Years Resolutions, goals are a great way of establishing mindset and direction. We, at Douglasdale Chiropractic, would like to share our goals for the upcoming year with you. Each member of our team has put together a list of what they hope to bring into the New Year.
Lindsay’s Goals
“I will read or listen to 1 book per month, mixing in both fiction and non-fiction, as well as learning how to knit. I will challenge myself in the gym and with my eating habits. A benchmark for this will be the ability to do 3 pull-ups and to listen and honour my body with food choices. I aim to travel somewhere new this year and hike every chance I have. With so much adventure in mind, I will also take more pictures!”
Paula’s Goals
“As much as I am for consistent change and less about the fad of New Years’ resolutions I do love that it provides a time to reflect and think because we can always improve.
So, a few things I have been thinking about recently:
I would like to have more compassion and to learn to draw on my faith as a source. I will work to develop better time management habits – earlier bedtime equals earlier rising! Finally, I will work to improve the nutrition and weight loss portion of our clinic to better serve the health of those we see.”
Jacqueline’s Goals
“A goal of mine is to share Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with the office! I want everyone to know that they have options when it comes to their mental freedom! As a part of this, I would like to host a monthly hour-long talks on various topics. In these talks, I will touch base on EFT/tapping. I will also be moving into full-time EFT. Finally, I will volunteer my time to one person each month.”
Dr Derrick Nolan’s Goals
“When looking back over the year, I am emotional when reviewing what has happened, and projecting my thoughts forward to the coming year.
“Great”, I say to myself. The word simultaneously echoes with multiple emotions. There is the sarcastic (“Great”, another flat tire), the joyous (“Great”, a day with my love), and all the subtle nuances in between.
Looking forward, I generate my list: be more successful, kinder, try harder, forgive perceived wrongs, make healthier choices, be a better parent, be a better friend, eat less sugar, lose some weight, exercise, save, win a lottery, etc., etc.
This year, as I contemplated each item on the list, I realized it has become an emotional ride of ‘what if’s. In recognizing how I feel, it is clear that each “great” experience profoundly affects me.
When asked how I am doing with my list, “Great”, is my reply.
My resolution this year is to realize I am choosing which “Great” will arise.”
Dr Darren Scheirman’s Goals
“2018 is a momentous year. It simultaneously marks the 10th anniversary that Douglasdale Family Chiropractic has been under my ownership and 10 year anniversary with my beautiful wife. Wow!
I am excited about the biggest expansion and growth in both my personal life and professional career.
I have signed up for the Kimberley B.C. trifecta (Sprint, Super and Beast distances) in one weekend. I have also taken Friday’s off at the office so I could spend time with my boys. I plan to get 20 days of skiing in with them this year.
In contemplating what to bring into the new year professionally, I could start with our mission, purpose, and catalyzing statements:
Our mission is to inspire families to reach a higher potential.
Our purpose is to create immeasurable value for the families we serve.
Our ultimate goal is that every practice member has family here.
I am working to expand our office’s team so we can help more families express their full potential. I am motivated to gain a more solid social community so we can be the primary office to consider when health and wellness topics arise. Finally, I want to increase awareness among families of the 5 pillars of health: clear nervous system, rest, exercise, nutrition and mental focus. This knowledge will help them learn what they can do to improve each.”
Happy New Years from all of us at Douglasdale Chiropractic.
May you have success with all your goals and aspirations in 2018!